a love letter

Dearest Houston, Texas….

I’m so sorry that we started off on the wrong foot. The things I said about you weren’t nice, and I didn’t really have to chance to get to know you. A fatal flaw of mine is my inability to correctly judge based on a first impression. I’m slowly learning that nine times out of ten, I should believe the complete opposite of my first impression. I take back what I said about you being a “God forsaken” state (Texas that is – Houston I hope you don’t take offense to that?). A friend politely pointed out to me this week that Texas is more likely a state blessed by God, being in the Bible belt and all.

Well, I must say, I am so happy I stuck around to see your true colors. YOU have been the greatest surprise. I hope I can show you how much I adore you, and hopefully you’ll forgive me for our rough start? You can let me know at the end of the letter.

Oh Houston… your highways test my driving abilities and have made Jersey drivers seem so tame and beautifully well-behaved. Dearest I-45, we truly have a love hate relationship, but I love you more than 610 any given afternoon If those guys driving pickup trucks would stop acting like they’re in a video game we would probably have a love-love relationship!

I always joke that you are the perfect city for those that like to eat, shop, and exercise. Well, the exercise is necessary considering the first activity. WARNING – if any of you reading this decide to visit me in Houston – we will be doing those three activities considering the lack of tourist attractions. I’m not kidding… a quick Google search for what to do in Houston will startle you. Trust me – there’s much more to do. Fortunately, for you I have likely been to almost 20 coffee shops (an idea for another blog post I think), and way too many restaurants to count (another good post idea). Hence why my bank account balance is decreasing as the scale goes up. HA!

It’s hard to list all of the things I love about you, and each probably deserves its own love letter.

My “Houston family” of 23 year olds (okay, I know some of you are older) all transplants from elsewhere. I think we’ve formed a cute little community here! Each of you has made me smile brighter than you can imagine! Yes, Houston boys, you included… and you as well my band of girlfriends (we put T-Swift’s squad to shame) hehe U KNO WHO U R

EASTSIDE FARMER’S MARKET – I cannot express how much I love you (part of the reason I’ve used all capital letters whoops). Gosh, Brooke and I (you can call her Brookesbeans) only slightly obsessed with you. Rain or shine, I know you’ll always be there for me… with kombucha, tofu burritos, coffee, pralines, veggies on veggies on veggies! Believe it or not, you’ve inspired me to whip up dishes I never imagined I could.

And, you’ve inspired me to try weird things like watermelon radish, which in fact are a beautiful vegetable. Okay, it would be a half truth not to mention how helpful Love and Lemons has been (Jeanine and Jack – awesome cookbook!). That cookbook… changed my life (just take a look at my snapchat story and you will understand how obsessed I am with it).

Whole Foods on Waugh drive – you always know exactly what I need, even when it’s sustainably made earrings for a night out. Yes, I’ll admit I’ve visited you just to look around and spend too much money on matcha powder and other superfood powders I’m convinced will radically improve my well-being. Charlie I should probably give you a shout out as well for always saying hi and helping me find things like wheat-berries. You do an incredible job stocking those shelves and helping me when I’m wandering around in circles. Mary Kate – I think we’re past due for wine and whole foods?

Agora – you are so elusive yet so charming. Just around the corner from Common Bond, I can’t believe it took me so long to notice you… I mean I always knew you were there, but you can be a bit standoffish with all those smokers outside. You give off this cool vibe that’s a bit intimidating, but I’ve fallen head over heels in love with you – especially those tables on the second floor. So proud to say this blog started in those very walls! Lucky for you, I think Brooke and I are regulars now… one of these days we’re going to open a tab, and buy a black mug.

9round – you kick my ass. Day after day. Week after week. Also, it’s okay that Brooke and I smile through your workouts – WE WILL NOT BE DEFEATED! We will grit our teeth and smile through those burpees – heck we’ll even show up on a Friday when all we want to do is go to sleep!

Yogaleena – Never in my life did I understand the healing power of yoga. If it’s possible to be addicted to yoga, I think I’m at that point. I’m so cranky if I go weeks without seeing you… Saturday and Sunday morning Vinyasa flow – you GET me! Also, thanks for welcoming me and my gang of girlfrans – Valentina, Mary Kate, Brooke… love ya – and not minding us taking mirror selfies before class. We’re just so cute aren’t we!!!!

Boots and Shoots – no words describe my love for you. March 4th… need I say more? Portia, any night you want to sit on that speaker beside me, you know I’m game!

I could keep writing… but I think I’ve poured enough out for now… to be continued?

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  1. Ohh what would I do without you here in Houston?? Love you ❤️❤️ Xox – Brookesbeans