about me

Welcome to Sip of Sunlight! My name is Marissa. I’m a wellness warrior, yoga teacher, real food lover, pisces, writer, and nature admirer.

I am passionate about sharing my journey to live a happier, healthier, and cleaner life. I truly hope that you find joy and inspiration exploring the place I have created here. My desire for healthy living is rooted in the positive effects it has had on my own life and I hope you leave feeling inspired to try a new recipe, a new skincare regimen, or a new coffee shop!

These past few years have been the most incredible adventure. Since graduating college, I’ve made my way west – from the New Jersey to Texas to Washington. This incredible season of change has filled me with immense gratitude for what really matters to me – making memories with the people that I love, nourishing my body and soul, exploring and wandering to free my mind, and reflecting on the immense blessings in this beautiful thing called life.